QTech Engage

Exclusive Pre-release

diamond prerelease

Napoleon Deluxe

Lead epic battles and dominate! Blueprint Gaming, together with QTech Games, is offering the slot game “Napoleon Deluxe” EXCLUSIVELY to QTech Games’ operators and players. 

1 - Month
3rd May - 2nd June

This special exclusivity will run from May 3rd to June 2nd, 2024.

To enjoy this game and its exclusivity:

  1. Enable the provider and game on your brand(s) and place it in the Featured Games, Popular Games, Editor’s Choice, or any other highlighted section on your brand(s).
  2. Place an “EXCLUSIVE PRE-RELEASE” gold sash on the top right corner of the main page banner, a promotional banner on the website, and a game icon or game thumbnail promoting the product and the game. 

For those who use our game lobby, the game will be added automatically. 

  All game assets are available in the Promo Pack.

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If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at support@qtechgames.com